Flusberg, S.J., Thibodeau, P.H., & Holmes, K.J. (In press). Rational framing effects: A multi-disciplinary case. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. [Commentary on Bermudez, "Even simple framing effects are rational"].
Thibodeau, P.H. (In press). Metaphor and the scientific method: Why a Lacanian perspective isn't helpful yet. Theory and Psychology. [Invited commentary on Keefer, "Whose metaphor?: Rethinking conceptual metaphor in Lacanian terms"].
Thibodeau, P.H., & Flusberg, S.J. (In Press). Metaphor and elaboration in context. In H.L. Colston, T. Matlock, & G. Steen (Eds.), Dynamism in Metaphor and Beyond. John Benjamins Publishing.
Schweinsberg, M., Feldman, M., Staub, N., ..., Thibodeau, P.H., ...Uhlmann, E.L. (In Press). Same data, different conclusions: Radical dispersion in empirical results when independent analysts operationalize and test the same hypothesis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
Thibodeau, P.H., de Lemos, M., & Levy, I. (2021). Exploring mental representation with a memory matching game. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Vienna, Austria.
Flusberg, S.J., Lauria, M., Balko, S., & Thibodeau, P.H. (Accepted). Effects of Communication Modality
and Speaker Identity on Metaphor Framing. Metaphor & Symbol, 35, 136-152. [OSF]
Thibodeau, P.H., Blonder, A., & Flusberg, S.J. (Accepted). A Connectionist Account of the Relational Shift and Context Sensitivity in the Development of Generalization. Connection Science, 32, 384-397.
Thibodeau, P.H. & Cristel, K. (2020). Word aversion and consumer behavior. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Toronto, Canada.
Thibodeau, P.H., Matlock, T., & Flusberg, S.J. (2019). The role of metaphor in communication and thought. Language and Linguistic Compass [Invited Review], e12327.
Reuchamps, M., Thibodeau, P.H., & Perrez, J. (2019). Studying variation in political metaphor: From discourse analysis to experiment. In J. Perrez, M. Reuchamps, & P.H. Thibodeau (Eds.). Variation in Political Metaphor (pp. 1-11).
Thibodeau, P.H., Fleming, J., & Lannen, M. (2019). Variation in methods for studying political metaphor Comparing experiments and discourse analysis. In J. Perrez, M. Reuchamps, & P.H. Thibodeau (Eds.). Variation in Political Metaphor (pp. 177-194).
Thibodeau, P.H., Perrez, J., & Reuchamps, M. (2019). A journey through variation in political metaphor. In J. Perrez, M. Reuchamps, & P.H. Thibodeau (Eds.). Variation in Political Metaphor (pp. 195-206).
Holmes, K.J., Flusberg, S.J., & Thibodeau, P.H. (2018). Compound words reflect cross- culturally shared bodily metaphors. Cognitive Science, 42, 3071-3082. [OSF]
Thibodeau, P.H., Sikos, L., & Durgin, F.H. (2018). Are subjective ratings of metaphors a red herring? The big two dimensions of metaphoric sentences. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 759-772.
Flusberg, S.J., Matlock, T., & Thibodeau, P.H. (2018). War metaphors in public discourse. Metaphor & Symbol, 33, 1-18. [Read more]
Flusberg, S.J., Lauria, M., & Thibodeau, P.H. (2018). Metaphor framing in multiple communication modalities. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 374–379. Madison, WI.
Thibodeau, P.H., Hendricks, R., & Boroditsky, L. (2017). How linguistic metaphor scaffolds reasoning. Trends in Cognitive Sciences [Invited Feature Review], 21, 852-863.
Thibodeau, P.H., & Flusberg, S.J. (2017). Metaphorical accounting: How framing the federal budget like a household’s affects voting intentions. Cognitive Science, 41, 1168-1182. [OSF]
Thibodeau, P.H., Crow, L., & Flusberg, S.J. (2017). Metaphor police: A case study of the role of metaphor in explanation. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 24, 1475-1486. [OSF] [Read more]
Thibodeau, P.H. (2017). The function of metaphor framing, deliberate or otherwise, in a social world. Metaphor & the Social World, 7, 271-291.
Thibodeau, P.H., Uri, R., Thompson, B., & Flusberg, S.J. (2017). Narratives for obesity: Effects of weight loss and attribution on empathy and policy support. Health Education & Behavior, 44, 638-647.
Thibodeau, P.H., Frantz, C.M., & Berretta, M. (2017). The earth is our home: Systemic metaphors to redefine our relationship with nature. Climatic Change, 142, 247-300. [OSF]
Flusberg, S.J., Matlock, T., & Thibodeau, P.H. (2017). Metaphors for the war (or race) against climate change. Environmental Communication, 11, 769-783. [OSF] [Read more]
Thibodeau, P.H. (August 31, 2017). ‘Blow the whistle’ or ‘stop the leaks’?. Behavioral Scientist.
Thibodeau, P.H. & Flusberg, S.J. (2017). Lay theories of obesity: Causes and consequences. In J. Gordeladze (Ed.), Adiposity-Epidemiology and Treatment Modalities, pp. 23-36.
Thibodeau, P.H., & Flusberg, S.J. (2017). Metaphors, roles, and controls in framing studies. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 3326–3331. London, UK.
Thibodeau, P.H., Flusberg, S.J., & Holmes, K.J. (2017). Solving the puzzle to reach the summit: Using metaphor to gauge public perceptions of science. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 3320–3325. London, UK.
Hendricks, R. K., & Thibodeau, P.H. (2017). Head and heart metaphors for moral decision making: Conceptual or communicative?. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 2187–2192. London, UK.
Flusberg, S. J., Matlock, T., & Thibodeau, P.H. (2017). Thinking about the future: The role of spatial metaphors for time. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 361–366. London, UK.
Lezak, S.B.Thibodeau, P.H. (2016). Systems thinking and environmental concern. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 46, 143–153.
Thibodeau, P.H. (2016). A moist crevice for word aversion: In semantics not sounds. PLoS ONE, 11(44), e0153686. [OSF]
Thibodeau, P.H. (2016). Extended metaphors are the home run of persuasion: Don’t fumble the phrase. Metaphor and Symbol, 31, 53–72.
Thibodeau, P.H., Winneg, A., Frantz, C.M., & Flusberg, S.J. (2016). The mind is an ecosystem: Systemic metaphors promote systems thinking. Metaphor & The Social World, 6(2), 224–241.
Thibodeau, P.H., Frantz, C.M., & Stroink, M.L. (2016). Situating a measure of systems thinking in a landscape of psychological constructs. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 33, 753–769.
Thibodeau, P.H. (April 27, 2016). The “moist” conundrum. The Psych Report.
Thibodeau, P.H., Berretta, & M., Iyiewuare, P. (2016). Extended metaphors are very persuasive. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 1535–1540. Philadelphia, PA.
Thibodeau, P.H., Sikos, L., & Durgin, F. (2016). What do we learn from rating metaphors?. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 1769–1774. Philadelphia, PA.
Thibodeau, P.H., Myers, D.J., & Flusberg, S.J. (2016). Similarity-based reasoning is shaped by recent learning experience. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 866–871. Philadelphia, PA.
Thibodeau, P.H., Lee, D., & Flusberg, S.J. (2016). Context, but not proficiency, moderates the effects of metaphor framing: A case study in India. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 1571–1576. Philadelphia, PA.
Flusberg, S.J., Shapiro, D., Collister, K., & Thibodeau, P.H. (2016). Environmental orientation affects emotional expression identification. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 2315–2320. Philadelphia, PA.
Thibodeau, P.H., Fein, M., Goodbody, E. & Flusberg, S.J. (2015). The depression schema: How labels, features, and causal explanations affect lay conceptions of depression. Frontiers in Psychology: Cognitive Science, 6(1728), 1–13.
Thibodeau, P.H., Perko, V. L., & Flusberg, S.J. (2015). The relationship between narrative classification of obesity and support for public policy interventions. Social Science & Medicine, 141, 27-35.
Thibodeau, P.H., & Boroditsky, L. (2015). Measuring effects of metaphor in a dynamic opinion landscape. PLoS ONE, 10(7): e0133939.
Thibodeau, P.H., Peebles, M.M., Grodner, D.J., & Durgin, F.H. (2015). The Wished-For Always Wins until the Winner was Inevitable all along: Motivated Reasoning and Belief Bias Regulate Emotion during Elections. Political Psychology, 36, 431-448. [Read more]
Thibodeau, P.H., Winneg, A., Frantz, C., & Flusberg, S.J. (2015). Systemic metaphors promote systems thinking. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 2362–2367. Pasadena, CA.
Thibodeau, P.H., & Gehring, K. (2015). Comparing metaphors reveals their persuasive capacity. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 2368–2373. Pasadena, CA.
Thibodeau, P.H., Iyiewaure, P., & Boroditsky, L. (2015). Metaphors affect reasoning: Measuring effects of metaphor in a dynamic opinion landscape. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 2374–2379. Pasadena, CA.
Flusberg, S.J., DellaValle, M., & Thibodeau, P.H. (2015). Framing effects and the folk psychiatry of addiction. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 722-727. Quebec City, Canada.
Thibodeau, P.H., Bromberg, C., Hernandez, R., & Wilson, Z. (2014). An exploratory investigation of word aversion. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 1580–1585. Quebec City, Canada.
Thibodeau, P.H., Tesny, E. , & Flusberg, S.J. (2014). Accounting for the relational shift and context sensitivity in the development of generalization. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 2979–2984. Quebec City, Canada.
Grannan-Rubenstein, G., Grannan-Rubenstein, W., & Thibodeau, P.H. (2014). Enculturation effects of musical training on pitch discrimination. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 2985–2989. Quebec City, Canada.
Thibodeau, P.H., Flusberg, S.J., Glick, J.J., & Sternberg, D.A. (2013). An emergent approach to analogical inference. Connection Science, 25, 27-53.
Thibodeau, P.H., & Boroditsky, L. (2013). Natural language metaphors covertly influence reasoning. PLoS ONE, 8(1), e52961.
Thibodeau, P.H. (August 22, 2013). Set to solve: How emphasizing problem setting can solve problems in Washington. The Psych Report.
Thibodeau, P.H., & Durgin, F.H. (2011). Metaphor aptness and conventionality: A processing fluency account. Metaphor and Symbol, 26, 206-226.
Thibodeau, P.H., & Boroditsky, L. (2011). Metaphors we think with: The role of metaphor in reasoning. PLoS ONE, 6(2), e16782.
Thibodeau, P.H., Flusberg, S.J., Glick, J.J., & Sternberg, D.A. (2011). On the emergence of analogical inference. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Boston, MA.
Flusberg, S.J., Thibodeau, P.H., Sternberg, D.A., & Glick, J.J. (2010). A connectionist approach to embodied conceptual metaphor. Frontiers in Psychology.
Thibodeau, P.H., McClelland, J.L., & Boroditsky, L. (2009). When a bad metaphor may not be a victimless crime: The role of metaphor in social policy. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Thibodeau, P.H., & Durgin, F.H. (2008). Productive figurative communication: Conventional metaphors facilitate the comprehension of related novel metaphors. Journal of Memory and Language, 58, 2, 521-540.